
Story Vases...

The Story Vases are a beautiful project by Editions in Craft in collaboration with Swedish design collective Front and the Siyazama Project.
The 'Story Vases' were developed during a workshop held in Durban, South Africa in November 2010.

"The project began with a series of conversations between Anna, Sofia and Charlotte from Front and Beauty, Thokozani, Kishwepi, Tholiwe and Lobolile. They talked about their daily lives, their husbands and children. They shared their hopes and dreams, and talked about love, life and death. They talked about what beadwork meant to them and what they would do, or buy, if they could afford to. Their stories also touched on such serious subjects as the effect of HIV on their society, gender inequalities, poverty and unemployment.

"The last time a bought myself something was in 2007. I bought myself a skirt and a pair of red All Star sneakers that I love. My dream is to go overseas to have the experience of an aeroplane. When I would be up in the air I would close my eyes and relax." - Tholiwe Sitole

After Front and the women together selected the parts of conversations to work with, each woman formed their own story into text by threading glass beads on to metal wires. These wires were made into vase-shaped moulds, into which glass was blown. The glassblowing process was completed by master glassblower Reino Björk in Stockholm."
Such a beautiful project!

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