
Dream tree...

The name for my blog "Vogelki" (a combination of the Dutch and Afrikaans word for bird...) - came in a way from the longing to be a bird myself! A bird with wings that could carry me all the way to Holland and back to South Africa again... Wings that could help me to fly overnight, strong enough to also have my sleeping little one on my back covered with soft feathers. Wings that would bring the two places on earth that both seem to be my home a little bit closer to each other...
Greg and I worked on this beautiful image with the idea to maybe use it as a print on 100% organic t-shirts!
You think you could be interested?!


  1. I think this is beautiful! Love the story vases too. They both should do very well.

  2. Beautiful! I feel your words, though my two homes are a bit closer together. I would buy a t'shirt!
