
Doina Kraal

(please click and read the info! Doina writes so beautifully about this work)

My sister Doina Kraal makes the most beautiful work! It touches me deeply and I'm very sure that that is not only because we are family and very close... The piece above ,"Survival of the faintest" just blew me away again. I did see it up for real, but she also managed to document it so carefully and  in such detail, that I got totally lost again in all the stories it tells. Our beloved Oma Lola couldn't have wished for a better destination for her life-long collection of... everything! 
Doina works a lot with our family archive.
She uses seperate elements out of old pictures and places them in a different environments / settings or just totally on their own. She mainly uses figures that are slightly out of focus or that were only accidently caught in the picture... She makes these anonymous extras her main characters!
The very first picture shows work that has a very special meaning for me. It was originally made for the Drillhall in Johannesburg. At night an enchanted forest would light up in the dark city centre through masked slide images projected onto laser profiled and powder-coated cut outs.
I came with her to South Africa, partly to help her with installing the work. That was my first time here and I didn't have a clue by then that I would one day live here!

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