

... some pics from behind the wheel in the car! I love these grafitti spray-paintings - especially the first image with the little girls face. The first time I noticed it, I almost caused an accident. It looked so real to me that it gave me a fright and moved me deeply at the same time. For me these pieces really add character to the city - I would love to see much more of them...

This "Land and Liberty" is one of Faith47 on the Keizersgracht Street in Capetown - the spot where people traditionally gather when marching to parliment. I find it so beautiful! The image was inspired by a picture that Alexia Webster took in Macassar, Cape Town...
'of protesters, women, children, men and the elderly… “backyarders” – families who live in back yards because there is no space or housing available or provided by the state. They had taken over an empty piece of land in protest'… via CreativeRoots/Wooster Collective

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