
Hare and bunny story continued...

My Darling readers thank you so much for your advice around where to place our new family members - I have to tell you that I can be terribly stubborn and therefore my hare ended up above the couch in the kitchen.  Hazel has the bunny in her room and we have a very practical classic square chalkboard on the wall next to the fridge...  Loving them all. Let me know if there is anyone who is interested in having one themselves; for sure my rabbits will love to multiple... :)


  1. I wish I could come over to paint Olive one (and would love to meet you all:) I can of course send you one out of brown paper to work around - but for sure you will be able to make a gorgeous one yourself. Maybe one of your birdies in chalkboard-paint? That would be so lovely!

  2. Ah thank you Manoushka, I have a piece of wall that is a triangle shape and I have decided that it must get a black board animal, will keep you posted and thank you for the inspiration!
