
Hazel as my model?

I'm not so sure whether I should try and make our little Hazel my model to show the childrens-cloth in the shop?! All of them have been specially made for her in the first place and it's not that she is not enjoying the little photo-shoots... Although, up to a certan point she is. She want's to decide what she is wearing and in which way. For example this little skirt could only be shown without a top, but with the necklace!!!!! So forced "African", so wrong... and cute at the same time! It was my only option in documenting the skirt. I did use one of the pics on my Etsy-shop, but actually am a little bit embarrassed about it!


  1. Manoushka, I didn't even think of it as Afrikaans in the first place. My children would always like to be without t'shirt, even on a wet winter day as today...

  2. Sweet :) Thank you for saying so!
