
One of my favourite Etsy-shops...

I love it when presents are playfully wrapped! And what a joy it is to receive a wonderful wrapped present in the mail :)

I ordered this "Bubbles Before Bed To Do Book" for Hazels second birthday:

It is so lovely! I think every home should have one!! It has gorgeous illustrations, tells you how to make the best hot chocolate ever, gives you wonderful things to play with in the bath and at the end there is a paper girl that you can cut out and put to bed - with even several different pyjama's for her to wear... Love it :)


  1. I also adore Belle and Boo! The illustrations are amazing and I think there product range is fantastic. I also live in Durban by the way, Heather @skinnylaminx mentioned you on Twitter and I thought I would come have a look. Nice to meet you. I'm Helga.

  2. Lovely to meet you too, maybe we will bump in to each other one day. Warm regards Manoushka.
