

We had a little foto-shoot today at home to show off this gorgeous new necklace that I have in my Etsy-shop!
It is made in collaboration with Precious Simamane, a local Zulu crafts woman, who knows how to use this complex technique.
In my eyes this is such a wonderful contemporary equivalent of the traditional lace accessories worn in Victorian times. I love to wear it! With just a t-shirt or a more fancy dress... I like to combine it in all sorts of different ways.

Our little Hazel insisted on being in the picture with me and summer is really kicking in here in Durban so that's why she is not wearing anything!


  1. Lieverd,wat een prachtige dingen allemaal. Ik ben helemaal van fan van de Big colourful round Zulu earings!
    Kus Margje

  2. I love it! I'm going to have to order one.
